1. Introduction
Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. defines Corporate Social Responsibility as a set of actions carried out to establish stable, solid relationships of trust and mutual benefit with the stakeholders with whom it conducts its activities. These are its partners, investors and financiers, customers, employees, regulators, suppliers and external partners and other market agents and social groups. Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. has a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy that establishes a shared framework that guides socially responsible behaviour within the company. The main purpose of this Policy is to establish the guiding principles and commitments to stakeholders in coherence with the company’s strategy, and to establish specific responsibilities and tools to ensure compliance.
2. Scope of application
The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy applies to all areas of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L., regardless of the activity or the country where they are established. Likewise, the knowledge and understanding of this policy will be promoted by people and companies that work with Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L.
3. Commitments and guiding principles
Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. has defined a set of specific commitments and guiding principles aimed at generating profitability, creating long-term value, and ensuring its workers’ professional development and well-being.
- 3.1. Committed to results
The partners and workers of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. are among the company’s main stakeholders. That is why appropriate risk management and a solid business model that guarantees the sustainability and creation of long-term value are key aspects of the business.
Our Commitments:
- Work to obtain sustained profitability in line with the risk assumed, guaranteeing that decision-making considers approved risk levels and thresholds.
- Promote the efficient assignment and management of resources within the framework of continuous improvement processes.
- 3.2. Excellent service
A customer-centric approach is central to Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. The company provides streamlined, efficient services which, as well as fulfilling legal and profitability requirements, fulfils their needs.
Our Commitments:
- Work to continuously improve security, reliability and competitiveness of all products and services, offering the highest possible quality standards with the best available techniques.
- Promote levels of communication that enable us to understand our customers’ expectations and opinions to adapt the response of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. to their needs.
- Engage with our customers through simple, efficient operations.
- Supply innovative products that encourage energy efficiency and contribute to the sustainability of society.
- Leverage technological innovation and the best available techniques as a means to maintain efficient, safe, sustainable supplies.
- 3.3. Responsible environmental management
Ibérica Semiconductors de Potencia S.L. is aware of the environmental impact of its activities on the areas where it operates, which is why it pays special attention to environmental protection and efficient use of natural resources to satisfy the demand for energy. Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. goes beyond compliance with legal and other environmental requirements that it adopts voluntarily, involving suppliers, working with stakeholders and encouraging responsible energy consumption.
Our Commitments:
- Contribute to sustainable development through eco-efficiency, proper use of natural and energy resources, minimising environmental impact, encouraging innovation and use of the best available technologies and processes.
- Contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation with low-carbon and renewable energies, promoting energy saving and efficiency and leveraging new technologies.
- Integrate environmental criteria in business processes, in new projects, activities, products and services, selecting and evaluating suppliers.
- Promote efficient, responsible use of energy and natural resources, establishing activities designed to improve management in the framework of the circular economy.
- Ensure that pollution is prevented through continuous improvement, using the best available techniques, and analysis, control and minimisation of environmental risks.
- 3.4. Concern for others
At Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. it is fundamental to promote a high-quality work environment, based on respect, diversity, and personal and professional development. Likewise, the Code of Ethics establishes the guidelines that govern the ethical behaviour of all its employees in their daily work and, specifically, with regard to relationships and interactions with all our stakeholders.
Our Commitments:
- Apply best practices to identify, recruit, and retain the talent needed for business development, ensuring the principles of equity and non-discrimination for any reason (disability, age, gender, previous professional career, etc.).
- Facilitate the professional development of our people within the talent management model, ensuring that the necessary resources, programmes and tools are available to strengthen their skills and abilities.
- Provide a motivational workplace that ensures internal recognition of the culture of hard work, the necessary autonomy to be able to create, develop and innovate, and accordingly, a total compensation framework.
- Ensure effective use of flexibility measures to facilitate work-life balance and facilitate personal and social development.
- Foster diversity and equal opportunities in a respectful environment that encourages listening and dialogue, paying particular attention to inclusion of disability, extending our commitment to our suppliers and partners.
- 3.5. Health and safety
Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. plans and develops its activities on the understanding that there is nothing more important than people’s health, safety and well-being. In this regard, the company’s actions go beyond compliance with legal and other obligations and requirements that it adopts voluntarily, driving continuous improvement in work conditions and health, safety and well-being management, involving the entire team at Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L.,
Our Commitments:
- Ensure health and safety is an individual responsibility that cannot be delegated which, through a visible collective agreement is led by senior management and assumed in a proactive, integrated way throughout the organisation, as well as by our suppliers and collaborating companies.
- Establish health and safety as an individual responsibility at Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. that must be accepted by all employees and its collaborating companies.
- Ensure that any potentially hazardous situations that could affect workers, suppliers, customers, the public and the safety of the facilities are reported, assessed and managed appropriately.
- Work to maintain a risk-free work environment by integrating occupational risk prevention and actions to protect and promote health and well-being into business management.
- Establish learning as a driver for the safety culture, through continuous training, accident and incident analysis, dissemination of lessons learned and promotion of health and education.
- Integrate exacting health and safety criteria in business processes, new projects, activities, facilities, products and services, as well as in the supplier and collaborating company selection and evaluation process, non-compliance with which conditions the start or continuity of the activity.
- Invest in new sanitary and health promotion education strategies to transform the workplace into a vector for transmitting healthy conduct for workers and their surroundings.
- Implement solutions designed to improve quality of life, health and well-being of the communities surrounding the company’s operations.
- Provide the necessary resources and measures to enable compliance with the security standards established at any given time.
- 3.6. Responsible supply chain
Collaborating suppliers and companies are crucial to the optimal functioning of the value chain of Ibérica Semiconductor de Potencia S.L., with which the company promotes the maintenance of trustworthy, stable, solid and mutually beneficial relationships, under the principles of transparency and risk management.
Our Commitments:
- Spread the culture of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. through the supply chain, transmitting the objective of excellent service, efficient use of resources and principles of responsible action of the company, and encouraging the incorporation of sustainability criteria in its daily management.
- Encourage compliance with the codes and policies of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. throughout the supply chain, particularly in the area of human rights, ethics, health and safety, and the environment.
- 3.7. Integrity and transparency
Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. considers that its stakeholders’ trust is earned through integrity, understood as ethical, honest, responsible behaviour and the good faith of everyone who works in the organisation.
Our Commitments:
- Reject corruption, fraud and bribery in the development of the company’s activity and establish measures to prevent and combat them, providing internal channels for reporting anomalies, protecting the reporter’s anonymity.
- Comply with the national and international laws and regulations in force in the countries where the company operates, particularly respecting the principles expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the OECD principles of Corporate Governance.
- Ensure responsible management and compliance with tax obligations in all jurisdictions in which the company operates, committing to transparency and collaboration with the corresponding tax administrations.
- Complete fairly in the market and avoid deceptive, fraudulent and malicious conduct that would give the company an unfair advantage.
- Promote transparent information, responsible, truthful, efficient, timely reporting and provide regular financial and non-financial information about the company’s actions.
- Maintain a constant and solid dialogue with all stakeholders through adequate, accessible channels.
4. Responsibilities
The approval of the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. corresponds to the Board of Directors, which also receives information about the implementation and general monitoring of the policy at least once a year.
In the final instance, the Board of Directors supervises compliance with the CSR Policy, being able to delegate aspects of this oversight to its committees, among which are the following:
- a) Oversight of compliance with the company’s internal codes of conduct and the corporate governance rules.
- b) Periodic evaluation of the suitability of the company’s corporate governance system to fulfil its mission to promote social interest and consider other stakeholders’ legitimate interests, as appropriate.
- c) The review of the company’s corporate social responsibility policy, ensuring it is oriented towards value creation.
- d) Oversight of the strategy and corporate social responsibility practices and evaluation of the degree of compliance.
- e) Supervision and evaluation of the processes related to different stakeholders.
- f) Evaluation of all the company’s non-financial risks including operational, technological, legal, corporate, environmental, political and reputational.
- g) Coordination of the non-financial and diversity reporting processes, in compliance with the applicable regulations and international standards.
Likewise, the Board of Directors is responsible for managing the effective integration of Corporate Responsibility in the company strategy and its daily management.
The administrator, directors and others who make up the company are obliged to know, understand and comply with the commitments contained in this Policy. The company will also promote and incentivise the adoption of the principles defined in this Policy among its suppliers collaborating companies.
5. Supervision and monitoring systems
The company’s Managing Director ensures compliance with the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy by approving specific plans.
The Board of Directors itself and through its Committees supervises aspects such as the Company’s Health and Safety, Equality, Compliance and Risks.
The Managing Director is responsible for establishing the Regulatory Compliance policy and its monitoring models, and for promoting a culture of compliance. It is also responsible for the model of the Code of Ethics.
The Managing Director is responsible for the continuous review and improvement of the Integral Management system, and for ensuring compliance with external and internal regulations and the established control models, in order to safeguard the efficiency and efficacy of the operations and mitigate the main risks; particularly operational, corruption, fraud and legal risks.
6. Approval
This Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. is approved by the Board of Directors of Ibérica Semiconductores de Potencia S.L. on 1 October 2022